Museum Management Consultants

Consultants to Cultural Organizations

National Expertise
Individual Solutions

Museum Management Consultants, Inc. (MMC) works with leadership to manage change, build sustainability, and increase impact. MMC helps museums and cultural organizations thrive in a competitive and evolving environment through organizational assessment, institutional planning, business models, board development, audience research, executive search, and professional coaching.



In the current climate of rapid change, every cultural organization is balancing the challenges of managing operations, meeting community needs, and maintaining financial sustainability. > more

Audience Research

Cultural organizations operate in a complex and changing environment. The most effective way to ensure your organization’s success is by understanding the opinions and needs of the people who are, or could be, your target audiences. > more


Every organization is unique in its culture and circumstance. The MMC approach to planning is specifically tailored for each client so that the resulting plans are both ambitious and achievable. > more


MMC Executive Search identifies, recruits, and secures excellent, 21st Century leaders for museums and cultural organizations. > more

Professional Coaching

Do you need a sounding board for some of the day-to-day challenges you face in your current job? Are you thinking about changing jobs to advance your career? > more

Board Development

An effective board that works in partnership with executive leadership is key to non-profit organizational advancement and excellence. > more

Connect today and see how we can help.

We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.