
Articles & Books

Bay Area Research Project: A Multicultural Audience Vol I & Vol II

Volume I and Volume II
Museum Management Consultants, Inc.

This project was designed to determine how the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of various groups living in the San Francisco Bay area affect attitudes and behaviors with regard to museums and leisure activities.

Volume I introduces the project, methodology, findings, conclusions, and the survey instrument.

Volume II contains in-depth statistical tabulations for each question on the instrument.

Museums, Adults and the Humanities: A Guide for Educational Programming

Preface by Adrienne Horn
American Association of Museums

This book is the result of four separate AAM seminars including:

Relating the Humanities to the Museum; Adults as Learners; Lifelong Learning and the Museum; and Developing Humanities Programs for Adults. The publication captures and preserves the substance of the oral programs by stimulating the broader interest of museum professionals in the humanities as a way to reach a larger segment of the adult public. Providing the structure for the book, the seminars presented academic humanists points-of-view, looking at the audience of adult visitors for whom these programs are designed, applying adult learning concepts, and case studies.